The Company is also engaged in trading of shares and securities. The Company has built-up a Data Bank and Research Division to effectively handle the assignments and to provide technical analysis to the interested section of the investing society. the Company’s existing investments are being held as long-term assets/ basic stock-in-trade and as such, the returns from them are not related in the operations of the Company although market value thereof is more than the book value.

The Company has engaged itself in the short term financing. Short Term Financing ranging from 3 to 6 months is a good avenue to park surplus funds in any organisation. In the process, it faces the risk of untimely repayment and consequently it may also have to resort to similar means of financing to meet its shortfall. The Company has to ensure careful scrutiny of prospective Companies before financing.

The company is engaged in leasing and hypothecation of heavy and light commercial vehicles, cars, machineries.